I'm not as queer as Shaq, but I'm not as stupid eitherJust a heads-up to whatever of our readers about our Twitter account. We've been in and out of state for the meliorate part of a assemblage now, but we're doing our best to sound and maintain a consistent voice...Recently, we've had whatever enthusiastic backwards and forward with the likes of ladyarse on Arsenal's past struggles and the expiration of RVP, as well as providing whatever in-game commentary and thoughts when watching the EPL (when our phones are handy and we're not retentive beers). A aggregation of our tweets are inner to Twitter, you meet can't encounter these morsels of aggregation on the blog!So if you're on Twitter, come tie the conversation at http://twitter.com/nickybutt and let us know what's on your nous in the world of sport - vision EPL or otherwise - go ahead and approval us for our magnificent weekly predictions (Guille Franco) or hit at us for completely missing the boat on your favorite players...Tweet you soon.
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